We are about to get a bus to Santiago, Chile. It is an over night bus. It will take us 16 hours to get there from Cordoba, Argentina. We have been hanging out in Cordoba for 5 days. It is a very cool place. We are sad to be leaving Argentina, but are very excited about visiting Chile. In just 4 days we will be on a plane headed to Easter Island. I am very excited.
Since my last blog post we went from Colonia to Montevideo, the capital of Uruguay. It was a very cool town and we hung out a couple of days. Next we went up the coast to the resort town of Punte de Este. We ocean was very cold, like at home. It was nice to be back at the beach. We also had the best pancakes of our trip there at a little restaurant. Pancakes were not even on the menu, they just made them special for us. It was great. We then went back to Montevideo before heading into Argentina.
Crossing the border into Argentina was a bit hectic. We ended up getting stuck due to a dispute between Uruguay and Argentina over a lumber mill in Uruguay that was polluting the river that both countries share. The bridge in the town we arrived at was closed to all buses. We ended up taking a taxi part of the way and then hitch-hiking the rest of the way. That night we stayed in some dump hotel by the bus station in a town that I cannot even remember the name of. We got up early and caught another bus to Sante Fe. We enjoyed Sante Fe and explored all the sights before heading onto Cordoba.
Cordoba is my favorite city in Argentina. Although over 3 million people live here, it does not seem like it. The city is cool. It is a very old city and looks similar to a city in Europe. We have explored many interesting buildings, plazas, churches, crypts, and other cool stuff. We have also seen two movies at the theater with Spanish subtitles. We just ate a delicious pizza and bought snacks for our 16 hour bus ride. I will keep you updated as we start to make our way north toward home after our quick trip to Easter Island. Please email me at Kylearoundtheworld@gmail.com if you get a chance.